
Heaven is a really big place.....?

by  |  earlier

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Jim, Dave and Eric die and arrive at the gate, St Paul explains to them:

"Heaven is a very big place and you need a car to get around. The car you get depends solely on how faithfull you were to your spouse while you were alive"

Jim was married for 15 years and cheated on his wife 3 times so he got a city golf.

Dave was married 20 years and cheated on his wife 1nce so he got a BMW.

Eric was married for 50 years and never cheated on his wife so he got a Rolls Royce.

Jim and Dave were very envious of Eric!

A couple of months later Jim and Dave see Eric sitting on the pavement crying...

Dave asks: "What's wrong buddy?"

Eric replies: "I just saw my wife"

Jim asks: "So? why are you crying?"

Eric says: "She was on a skateboard!"




  1. You guys got transport?!

  2. I'd get a limousine.

  3. he he, thanks for that.

    Guess I will be getting  a mclarren F1 then.

  4. I wonder who got my roller skates?

  5. lmfao!!

    This is so funny, I need to go pee now!! haha!!

    Thanks for that!

  6. Ha Ha Ha, I think I might be handed a dinky car.

  7. d**n , it back to the ossewa for me....

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