In this dream I was lying down on a bed in a small room and looking out the window which was halfway open. Two moons appeared and thought one was just a reflection since I was looking at it through the glass, until it rose so that I was now looking at it through the opening. At that point, I realize it was no reflection. I, hurriedly, got up to investigate and now found myself standing out on a deck. I ,now, then saw the moon, the sun, and a planet that resembled Earth. I was, actually, able to see the surface and thought, "Wow, that part looks like New Jersey!" Then, out of no where a cloud appeared with a face with the eyes closed and enveloped with a white cloth. It frightened the H_ _ _ out of me. It , then, swooshed pass by me and made this sound like windchimes and then I heard a voice that said, "Goodbye."