David Cage, the man in charge of Quantic Dream, explains that he would be happy with the PlayStation 3 for another five years and the only thing limiting developers is their imagination and not the technology itself.
Heavy Rain is one of the most unique entertainment experiences to have hit the mainstream in recent years. Not exactly a game, not exactly a movie but rather an interactive piece of cinematic gameplay, Heavy Rain re-imagined what one could do on a console and delivered an immersive, unique and genre inspiring experience in the process.
The game revolved around four main characters, each of which could die at any time and the story would continue, as they search for the elusive Origami killer.
Heavy Rain was praised by critics and review sites with a considerable number of gamers also trying their hand at what can only be described as a playable movie.
One would expect the next generation of video game consoles to expand the possibilities of what can be done in titles similar to Heavy Rain, yet it seems that David Cage, the man behind the Quantic Dreams studio, stated that he was, “not interested in technology or the next generation of consoles.”
He continued, “If we could continue with PlayStation 3 for another five years it would be fine with me.”
Cage’s opinion stems from the fact that he thinks, “the main challenges are on the creative side than on the technical side.” He elaborated, “Are there technical things I can’t do on PS3? Honestly no. The limitation is much more about the ideas we have. When you look at the past, you realise that the technology evolved faster than the concepts we rely on."
However, Cage did find one aspect of next-gen consoles a bit enticing. He conceded, “I suppose it is interesting, in a way. It’s more stuff to play with.”
The studio recently revealed a tech demo titled, “Kara” which showed off the potential of the new facial motion capture technology that the developer had invested in. The demo blew everyone away and although nothing much has come out of the studio since Heavy Rain, one can expect the studio to have another game out sooner or later.