
Heavy and light sleepers.?

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What makes you a heavy or light sleeper? I am a heavy sleeper, I know this because my cat scratched my face when I was sleeping, I fell off my 3 foot bed before, and my mom lifts up my head and puts a pillow under it (if i didn't have one). And I never woke up during these things.




  1. I know what makes a light sleeper--having a baby.  the slightest noise will wake me up, but only since I now have a baby.  my ears are on constant alert for my babe--even while I am sleeping.

  2. Many things come into play with regards to a person's sleeping habits.

    1- when a person is an infant; the way their parent's raise them to sleep can cause them to be heavy or light sleepers. If a child is used to constant noise- they are more likely to be heavy sleepers. You may ask your parents whether or not they played lullabies in your room when you were a child- because that could have you adjust to noise.

    2- if children share a room with a sibling- they may be more accustomed to noise making them a heavier sleeper

    3- Where you grew up- in the country where it is peaceful and calm, or in the busy city where there is constant noise can effect whether or not you are a heavy or light sleeper

    4- If you are a light sleeper-- maybe you have had a terrifying experience (i.e- waking up in the middle of the night to screaming parents, or your house on fire, or a robbery, or news of a loved ones death) And, you are a light sleeper because you fear that night time brings hurt and suffering.

    You can also change your sleeping habits as well--

    1- a college student who lives in a dorm with a roommate is more likely to become adjusted to having another person sleep in the room with them who makes different noises than they are accustom to. (this is how I became a heavier sleeper!)

    2- If you are a heavy sleeper- you might be concerned about having kids, and not waking up to their cries...but really, parent's tend to adjust their heavy sleeping patterns and become more light sleepers because of their inner desire to take care of their children.

    Being a heavy or light sleeper is really an internal process that for the most part we have no control over. Our bodies just adjust due to the circumstances.

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