
Heavy and sore b***s....??!?

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Lately my b***s have been feeling very heavy and sore every time I lay down or sit up from previously laying down. Also at times there is this sharp stabbing pain in them for about 1-3 minutes. And when I turn to the side (while laying down) They are really painful. Well they always are in pain. I am only 14 and my bra size is 32AA and I have not gotten my period yet. I highly doubt I am pregnate since I have never even kissed a guy before! Could you tell me what is going on??! I am really worried and in much pain. Does this mean I will get my first period soon?? Does it mean my b*****s are developing?!? Please help me!




  1. Yes, it could be one and/or both reasons that you mentioned. Have you heard of PMSing, because it could be somewhat like that but, before you start your period.

  2. You're probably about to get your period.  

  3. umm you cant get preganant from kissing guys -

    you have to have had s*x with them

    it is possible that you are getting your period

    yes, your breast are probably developing!

  4. It's possible you're hitting a growth spurt.  

  5. you havent gotten your period?... and your 14??... wow... well than

    ill say for you to tell your parents and go to the doctors when you

    frist grow your b***s it well kinda hurt..  

  6. its probably because your soon going to start your period many women get breast pain and swelling before they start its nothing abnormal

  7. yes you might get your period soon....take tylenol to ease the pain  

  8. you answered you own questions.  Most likely, yes, you are going through puberty.

  9. This is a guess, not intirely sure. I am thinking that yeah, your b***s are developing and you're getting your period very soon. My advice is to tell your mom and say you are serioiusly worried and have a doctor that specializes in women's maturity rates to look at you. It might not be your period though and may be so disease. I highly doubt you're pregnant if you have never had s*x with anyone.

    I have had that problem before, I am 16 and my b***s are 34D, so mine just get sore after i have been running a lot or not

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