
Heavy period, feeling weak?

by  |  earlier

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I usually have a pretty normal and regular period but this time I got it for like 1 day and then that was it, and then 1 week later I got a super super heavy period which has lasted for 4 days. I am not worried about the period itself because I'm sure it's just a one time thing (I have recently changed my levels of exercise so my body must be reacting to that), but I have been feeling weak and tired all the time because I'm losing so much blood, how do I regain the energy that I'm losing? I can't even really get out of bed because I feel so lethargic and tired, I'm sure it's related to the blood loss. Are there any pills I can take or exercises I can do?




  1. im anemic welcome to everyday of my life just take iron supplements

  2. are you anemic? Because I am and everytime I have my period I faint at least once. I am also really weak and tired while on my period. you should go to your doctors and have them do an iron test on you to see if you are anemic. hope i helped.

  3. Yes there are, the more blood you lose, the lower your iron energy gets. So therefore to regain normal iron levels (as low iron levels causes faint spells/dizzyness) you can take iron suppliments. Buy them in tablet form from the chemist or places like boots. Try eat food that is high in iron as well like fish. I'm not too sure about any exercises though. Just make sure you keep your iron and sugar levels up so try drinking some lucozade too.

    Good luck x

  4. Take an iron supplement to help, it sounds like you are anemic. If a normal OTC supplement isn't enough or it gets worse call your doctor.

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