
Hedgehog restless. What do I do?

by  |  earlier

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I have a 3 month old hedgehog and I have a perfectly size one story cage for him with toys, a small tunnel, and a wheel in it, but he completely destroys everything in his cage at night.

He dumps over his food bowl, or tosses food out of it.

He moves his house to where he cant easily get in it

He never really drank water from anything but a bowl I put in for him, but at night he flings his litter (aspen shavings) into it.

He tunnels under his litter and newspaper and COMPLETELY destroys everything in his cage.

Every night I play with him, so he can tunnel through our sheets and run around...he even (kinda) plays with my dogs, but he still goes crazy when I go to bed.

So now that you know my situation, what do I do to make him stop destroying his cage? Do you know of any fun hedgehog toys, or big tunnels or something?

Please help, I'm sick of cleaning up his cage every morning.





  1. sounds just like my 2 year old he tosses his food about ,craps everywerec but his potty,has started wee ing in my coffee cups,crys for no reason,cry for fred every morning it took me a while to figure out he wanted bread,.I think your hedgehog is just growing up please give him/her a little time and patience. I think it will turn out alright...

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