
Heel / Midfoot/ toe strikes? what one?1?

by  |  earlier

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Hi, I am quite new to jogging, and I have been landing on my heel, and because of that I was getting lower back pain on y 3mile runs which slowed me down.

I then after reading alot and watching some vids have adjusted my posture and my lower back pain was alot lot better (still a little poture work to do maybe) and I was landing on the ball of my foot but this at the endof the un felt like it puts alot of strain on the calf's, am I at risk of doing some damage?

How should I run? as I am quite new I am trying to sort this out before it becomes a bad habit.





  1. If you are running slow, and easy you should be landing almost flat footed.

    You could actually have a very slight heel first contact, and then roll across the foot and come off the front of your foot.

    It mostly depends on your speed.

    You should run relaxed, without a lot of effort since  you are  not racing.

    If you land heel first you could be landing in front of your body which puts a lot of stress on your legs and back.

    Running is a pushing action, not a pulling action.

    You should not be landing on the balls of your feet either unless you are running very fast.

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