
Hegemonic masculinity? Anyone?

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Can anyone give me links to where I can find useful information on masculinity/hegemonic masculinity?




  1. I would look for some statistics - what is the 'norm' for men - marriage, children, employment, religion, etc - it is usually 'norms' which define hegemonic ideas.  You could also look up some historical documents about what it means to be a 'man'.  I have read that a common identifier is that a man is a breadwinner, but that may have changed in recent years :-)

  2. Basically it's a radical feminist concept that men's behaviors are social constructs and frowns on any men behaving in ways that fall under the classical classification of "masculine."

    It's completely sexist to try and "re-program" men to be submissive little lap dogs, but the feminists want to "monkey-wrench" the competition.

    Feminists have been trying to shame men into feeling guilty about anything masculine.

    It's disgusting.

  3. hegemonic masculinity is not about feminists wanting men to be lapdogs, or even placing judgment on men for being "men" as society defines for them. in fact, the hegemonic form of masculinity changes by society, but is generally spoken about in regards to western/american social norms. hegemonic masculinity is the theory that masculinity is a social construct, with one dominant form of masculinity in a society, with all others subordinated. for instance, in america, the dominant form of masculinity is generally thought of to be straight, highly sexual, aggressive, strong, etc. where all others...g*y, shy, not physically strong, not overtly sexual, are considered outsiders or "not masculine."

  4. I am not linked to the internet.

  5. I would need formal authorisation from the International Ministry of Feminism/ Hegemonic Mind Control in order to assist you with this matter.

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