
Hei...i'm from italy...what time is it there in the U.S.A?

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Hei...i'm from italy...what time is it there in the U.S.A?




  1. hahaha.......


  2. Depends on what part of the USA, there's 4-5 time zones.

    Here in California it's 0304.

  3. and I thought it was only Americans that thought hey were the only people in the world ... but I see now that Italians also think that Americans are the only people on the planet ... if you're remotely interested ... it's 10.10pm Sat 26 Jan here on the East Coast of Oz

  4. Los Angeles, California:


    Don't ask me what I'm doing up... I should be in bed!

  5. It all depends on what time zone ....

  6. east coast it 6 am

  7. it depends on where at. here it is 6:o3 am.

  8. I dont know.

    but in japan;


  9. On the West Coast it's a little after 3am.

  10. Time to go back to sleep!

  11. 5:08 am. in alabama

  12. Im in Indiana and its 6:05am

  13. I'm in the midwest (Michigan) and it is 6:05am right now.

  14. hey... what kind of a answer is this?

  15. im italian too, here it's 1155

    why you aren't sleeping???

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