
Height Question! Ya MAm!

by  |  earlier

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sorry lol just did tht to attract people.

so im 15, male, 5foot3 and 6stone5 and wanna know how tall i could or should be whenfully grown. thats all.

Ya Mam!





  1. who cares Mam :P you are who you are and NO1S NORMAL nots even me surprising  

  2. how tall is your dad how tall is your mom how tally are the rest o your family thtas a pretty good guide but im 6'3 and my family short so dont hold too much by it  

  3. Well you are still growing so you wont finish just yet.

    We cant say on here because we dont know your parents heights, your genes from them will make you a certain height but eating a lot of good stuff will benefit you and make you grow more.

    So drink milk, and eat protein foods and you should be ok.

    As for your height, at a guess Il say you will end up about 5'9, but I dont know you so I couldnt say.


  4. Yo,bro:there ain't no way telling how tall ya grow.

    Depends on your genetics,

    So,it's gonna be a waiting game.

    But since you are just 15 you are gonna grow taller.

    Men don't stop growing till their early twenties.

    Success growing


  5. You can´t answer that. There are calculators which, if you enter your parents height, will give you an estimated height, but this works by averaging the two heights and is not accurate for you personally as many factors effect growth.

    You can get leg x-rays (though I imagine you will have to pay) which will tell you how much growth length is left in your bones.  

  6. normally at age 21 a person's body stops growing ............ur height depends on the genes that are inherited from ur parents.

  7. there is no way to answer this question, sorry :/

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