
Height boosting drugs....?

by  |  earlier

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Haha, yeah that sounds like a dodgy questions but I mean drugs in the medical sense. I was wondering if there are any drugs that are safe + tested that boost your height? Like a couple of inches even?




  1. Sorry you were just ment to be short

    hee hee

  2. Do not mess around with height enhancing drugs before speaking with your doctor. There are side effects and your doctor will be able to tell you what they are so you can make an educated decision before you take something and cause a side effect that you don't want.

  3. 5'5" is average height for a female.

    There is no supplement or drug that will make you grow taller.  Your height is genetically pre-determined by the genes you inherit from your parents.  If they were short, and their parents were short, and their parents were short....guess'll be short (and recall 5'5" isn't short for a woman...its average)

    Your genetic potential is also influenced by diet and health, especially during critical growth spurts such as puberty.  We know that people today are on average much taller than 100 years ago...and that is directly due to better nutrition, clean water, and the elimination of many diseases through the advent of vaccination and modern medicine.

    Human growth hormone will not make you grow any taller, just bulk up your muscles.  I for one find the look of those body builder females grotesque.

    Accept who you are...and how tall you are and get on with your life.

  4. That stuff is sheer bunk. It is as effective as using a cheese grater to brush out your hair. It appalls me that someone comes up with silly stuff like height inducers, breast enlargement creams, instant hair sprays and the like but it really gets me that people actually buy into the gimmick and then are too ashamed to send it back. The only way to make yourself taller than you were to meant to be is to A.) Wear high heels or platform shoes. B.) Get that surgery that breaks your leg bones then they attach plates and screws that must be cranked daily (excruciatingly painful every time) until you have gained between 2 and 5 inches in height. C.)Hang out with people shorter than you.

    Honestly, I have been 5'2" since fourth grade and have no problem with it at all.

  5. There are growth hormones that your doctor can prescribe how ever there is a strict criteria and you probably won't be prescribed any at 5' 5.

  6. Theres nothing wrong with your height.. Why do you want to be taller ?

  7. No there is no safe drug to make you taller.  Platform shoes are an option but then you could twist an ankle or break a leg.  

    5.5" is the perfect height.  I am 5'7" and have trouble finding pants long enough for my legs and sleeves long enough for my arms.  I am in the middle of two worlds it seems.  I do know that most of the pants that are too short for me are perfect for someone who is 5'5".  

    So rejoice that clothes were made with people your height in mind!   If not, you can always try the rack...

    Sending hugs,  Inner beauty

  8. Save your self the money. Spent it on something better. Short of special growth hormone given only to children with dwarfism, (under special supervision), nothing will help you! (I mean drugs). There is a surgical possibility and an orthopedic stretching done in some experimental hospitals.

  9. dont know sorry

  10. IN the proper age [what's your age?]

      1]] calc phos 1m   or   200 [ pills]

    four pills to  be chewed once a week

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