
Height problem ? <span title="help....................................?">help........................</span>

by Guest10946  |  earlier

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i am male, 5'4 at 12 years 11months. My dad is 5'4 and mom is 5'3. how long will i grow ?




  1. good chance you wont get much taller then them.....its all in your jeans....if there is some hight in there brothers or sisters etc there might be a chance you got the tall jean....only time will tell. but if you almost 13 there is agood chance you still have some growing to do...

  2. these are genetic factors and influence of growth hormones from anterior pituitary gland. generally parents height is acquired.however  during routine checkup hormone estimation also to be dr scpratihar

  3. At 12, you are already taller than I guess you would be.  Unless you already went through your growth spurt.  I guess you have a few more inches left.  You will most likely be close to your adult height by 15, and then you can gauge better from there.

  4. ok u are only 12 years old u will probably grow a little more but u cant make urself super tall but get lots of sleeep and a buzz cut then ur hair wont push u down  

  5. there is really no way of telling i was 5&#039;4 at 12 and now im 6&#039;1 at 16 and my parents are all shorted than me by far so just sit it out im sure you will be pretty tall

  6. You will be 5&#039;6

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