
Heineken or Budweiser????

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I know you guys will suggest better tasting beers but i just want to know which you guys think is better tasting out of these 2????? (i chose budweiser)




  1. Budweiser, the best!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Heineken, if I have to pick between those two. I suggest a Bass Ale if your doing imports, or a Yuengling, or a Rolling Rock if you are going domestic.

  3. sorry there both horrible. i would have to say budweiser

  4. Neither they both taste like cat urine.

  5. budweiser for sure. heineken is just nasty. it has like this bitter taste at the end.  

  6. Budweiser for sure. Heineken is sick and kind of smells like a skunk.  

  7. Heineken!!!!!!!!!!!!!,

  8. both are good if your drink the beer in your mouth first for a second or two and swallow it. you will tastes full aroma of the beer  

  9. Heineken, is def the best


  10. budweiser would be my choice..just cuz heineken tastes like shitt

    go w/ coors tho

  11. coors lite

  12. How can anyone even compare Budweiser with Heineken?

    Budweiser is an OK beer, but Heine tastes like sweet golden Dutch happiness.

  13. budweiser all the way!!

  14. they both get u drunk, try mixn em lol  (SUPER DURNKA-A-TIZED!!)

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