
Heir Apparent...?

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If King Edward VIII had to choose between abdicating his right to the throne and marrying the woman he loved, (a divorcee)... why is it possible for HRH Prince Charles to do both?

Don't really know much about it, just strikes me as curious.




  1. It has been said already that times change, and that's the biggest factor pertaining to Edward & Charles. Allowances have to be made.

    Why is the Church of England so opposed to divorce & the status of the consort if it was established to accommodate the divorce & remarriage of the King himself, i.e. Henry VIII?

    That, if nothing else, is double standards...

  2. Good question - you get a star from me. :)

    You've got two good answers, explaining the reason(s). I don't have to answer, do I?

  3. The monarch of the United Kingdom is Supreme Governor of the Church of England — at the time of the proposed marriage, and until 2002, the Church of England did not permit the re-marriage of divorced people with living ex-spouses. Accordingly, while there was no civil law barrier to King Edward marrying Wallis, the constitutional position was that the King could not marry a divorcée and remain as King (for to do so would conflict with his role as Supreme Governor). Furthermore, the British government and the governments of the Dominions were against the idea of marriage between the King and an American divorcée for other reasons. She was perceived by many in the British Empire as a woman of "limitless ambition", who was pursuing the King because of his wealth and position.

    The King consulted with the Prime Minister, Stanley Baldwin, on a way to marry Wallis and keep the throne. The King suggested a morganatic marriage, where the King would remain King but Wallis would not be Queen, but this was rejected by Baldwin and the Prime Ministers of Australia and South Africa. If the King were to marry Wallis against Baldwin's advice, the Government would be required to resign, causing a constitutional crisis. This seemingly indicated that the King had decided he had no option but to abdicate if he wished to marry Wallis

  4. Yes, it does seem that Prince Charles must have been served two pieces of wedding cake--one to have and one to eat.

  5. Wallis Simpson was simply unsuitable to be the Queen of England and he very much wanted her to be Queen.  She was twice divorced with two living husbands, an American, had a "reputation" and was thought to be unable to have children.

    Princes Charles did not have a living wife and already had two children.  Because Camilla was 58 when she married Charles, it is not expected that the couple will have any children.  Camilla is very good at keeping in the background and understands that it is unlikely that she will be Queen.  After so many years, there is no doubt that Charles and Camilla are devoted to each other.

    And most of all times have changed.  

    best of luck to you!

  6. Times have changed. Divorce is much more common,even in the Queen's own family.Her sister,daughter,and two sons all went through a divorce. Mrs. Simpson was a TWO-TIME divorcee.She was not considered to be someone who would have stayed with David(Edward VIII);many were surprised that the couple stayed married.One reason that Mrs. Simpson never received the HRH status(besides Queen Elizabeth's disaproval) was that she would be able to take the title with her after divorcing the King,and be free to marry any one else.
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