
HelPPPP!!!!! My assignment!

by  |  earlier

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does cassava herbs can be made into plastic?

Another, does it have a manioc fiber? what is manioc fiber? and is manioc a fiber?




  1. Do your own homework...seriously.  

  2. You should post in homework help section .


  3. hahaha, well i think you posted your question in the wrong categories.... you can repost your query in science section....

    But anyway I can give you a little idea about this. Let me recall..

    yeah.. cassava is also know as manioc, it means that manioc is the other name / term for the cassava or sometimes they called yucca.

    manioc fiber  is the nutrients that can be taken from cassava/manioc which serves as indigestible portion of plant foods that move food through the digestive system, absorbing water and easing defecation.

    I don't think that cassava herbs or manioc can be made into plastic.. I never heard or niether read  or  them  in a paper. :(

    Unless they use or extract the cellulose of the manioc to create a plastic which commonly name as synthetic fiber.

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