
Helicopter !!!! help?

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Are there any laws against helicopters flying RIGHT over your house? its SOO loud!!! and it comes over every 5 minuets!!!

I think they might be teaching new pilots but there is a forest right across from the airport that noone lives in...... but they have to fly over my house! is there anything i can do/ who should i complain to? (i live in a populated area so im sure a lot of people are annoyed by it)

(when it goes over my house its so low i think it breaks the sound barrier lol SO loud the house even shakes and cups fall over)




  1. Call 911

  2. enjoy; he/she might rescue your life in the future.

    there are various laws and rules regarding air traffic in the populated areas, however a clear picture of the helicopter with comparable landmarks would be handy, together with exact timing


    happy ninjas will take over the world and make everyone eat baby carrots

  4. There are laws in a manner of speaking, they are called authorized flying zones.  If you are in the noise cone of the airport, you're stuck with it.  Best you can do is get a petition going to trying and get helicopter traffic moved to another area.  Likely the helicopters are in approach and departure and must stay out of the way of incoming and outgoing airplanes which typically means all of the other other best alternatives have been investigated and abandoned for some particular reason, and maybe not.

  5. Just a little FYi - - Threatening to shoot down an aircraft is a federal offense. No laughing matter!

    Other than that .. see Mikes answer above

    Clearly you are someon who likes to exaggerate quite a bit. If you are this irreational with any of the helicopter operators you are planning to talk to .. good luck!

    Talk to them about shooting an aircraft down and go to prison!

    By the way! Ever heard of police or news helicopters? Most liekly thats whos flying over your house.

    I just found your video:

  6. Someone mentioned this but know, that you Can GOTO JAIL for making threats against aircraft. If these Helicopters are as loud as you claim they are possibly military aircraft. Point Being THINK BEFORE YOU PUBLISH YOUR THOUGHTS TO THE ENTIRE WORLD via yahoo.

    That all being said you should read the legal president set forth in United States V. Causby.

    Causby lived next to an airport and had a chicken farm. Military aircraft would fly low and @ full power over his property. It scared the chickens and they would kill themselves running into the walls of the chicken coup. The president is that aircraft are illegally taking your property.

    This is a piece of the puzzle to laws that regulate aviation.

    I bet if you call the “tower” or operator you would get good results.

    However I think your just a kid playing with the computer, getting your self in trouble.

  7. Nope no laws against it.

  8. Your best course of action is to call the operating agency, and politely ask them to change their route.  Most operators want to be good neighbors, and if they can, they will try to accommodate your request.  

    If you're in a major metropolitan area, they may not have too much of a choice, in that their flight path might be specified by the FAA.

    <<breaks the sound barrier?  house shakes?  cups fall over?>> don't you think that's stretching it a bit?
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