
Helicopter with no stobes hovering at night, is this allowed?

by  |  earlier

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About 10 mins ago. I think its a police helicopter but there are no strobes flashing.




  1. That happens around my way and it is the police helicopter.

    Have to switch their lights off for the infra red camera to work and they are under the flight lanes, so they can get on with it legally, even if they weren't the law.

  2. Prince William!!

  3. Yes providing that it has notified the air traffic control of its position and also its reasons.

    ie surveillance

  4. Yes.  Pilots turn strobes off when the strobes are distracting or interfering.

    ".....anticollison lights need not be lighted when the pilot-in-command determines that, because of operating conditions, it would be in the interest of safety to turn the lights off."

  5. Yes they probly have infra red i wouldnt worry about it

  6. We have a police heli in the Bristol area. I work nights and often see it hovering around here without lights . It seems to be able to fly in `quiet mode` also. Police aircraft generally fly lower to be able to observe operations on the ground ,below the minimum height for other air traffic so there is no danger of collision.

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