
Helllllppp please. Any ideas would be soooo helpful?

by  |  earlier

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Currently orgainising a talent show as a fundraiser. Venure is sorted an funds are sorted etc but need some ideas for:

1, things to sell to raise money

2, designs for tickets, posters etc

3, ways of advertisin

4, ways of getting more people to audition

5, anything else you can think of

Thanks so much to everyone who answers xx




  1. You should get your local paper to run a story about it.

    Ask for donations of items to be raffled.

    Put up posters at local talent / dance companies.

  2. You could try raffle tickets with things like chocolates and hampers. Another idea would be to go around your local area and ask businesses to donate products/vouchers. This is good for business as it would promote the shop and show them supporting a good cause.

    You could advertise with pamphlets, flyers or posters. What is your target age? eg. if children, talk to schools about advertising in newsletters on on school premises. You could suggest group entries and also, advertise a prize for the winner.

    Hope this will be helpful, good luck =]

  3. prostitution

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