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I want to move to Edinburgh.

I need to know what to do to be able to move there.

I need to know a website where they have cheaper houses in Edinburgh.

any help here?





  1. well,dont we all!im from edinburgh but live now in fife,my own option is to do a house exchange as i live in nice area with respectable families etc,if your buying,dont expect anything too cheap,unless you fancy the outskirts of town or a less desirable area(eg,niddrie,wester hailes etc,houses are a lot cheaper to buy there,but if one bears that in mind,the more people who buy into these areas,the better they will become in time)forget council housing,they seem to take preference on single parents and chavs and it takes years to move up list etc,renting is also expensive,but look on ESPC site etc to get an idea! good luck,or try and look on sites such as gumtree edinburgh,there are often ads for exchange or rentals

  2. Good decision

    You have to get yourself accommodation then move in

    Are you renting or buying?

    You need to give more info for anyone to give answers

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