
Helllpppppppp dancing problem please help urgent!

by  |  earlier

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Okay i went to a breakdancing class and they were teaching me how to stand on my head using my arm. The freezes. I tried them but i cant lift my legs up its so hard. I weigh 61 kilos and i am 14 years old. Am i too fat to breakdance? My tummy is kind of wobbly so i cant do much. But i can uprock and toprock and i can do hiphop and waving and locking popping all that stuff.. just doing breakdancing stops me because of my weight. How do i fix this?




  1. go to the gym, fatty .

  2. idk, i would just do weight watcherz

  3. You just need more strength, in the core region and in the neck.  In judo class we did exercises that strengthened the neck.  

    Neck:  Well, some of it was for the front: practicing choking each other, and the other was to break out of holds when you're on your back. So for the back, we'd lay on our back, and practice a backbend that took us up onto the top of our head.  Get a friend's help at first or use a pillow under your middle back.

    Core:  there are lots of core strenthening exercises, or pilates, but also focus on your hips, they really help to get strength into your leg lifting.

    Take your time, it will come with time.

  4. No you are not fat and if you are worried about it DO NOT quit break dancing because that will help you lost weight

  5. its not that ur fat... ur arms cant hold up ur weight just yet so thts wht u need to strenghthen

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