
Hello, I am French. Can you give me some cities or villages bilingual of British Columbia?

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  1. Victoria has lots of francophone and bilingual people, because it includes the main Pacific naval base. Comox has quite a few too, for a similar reason. Vancouver has lots simply because it's a big city.

    Statistics Canada produces a good map that shows language concentrations right across the country. Try their website.

  2. Surrey BC:  English and Punjab.

    Richmond BC: English and Cantonese.

    East Vancouver: English and Tagalog.

    Not too much French over this way.

  3. Ooh, that's easy...virtually none!

  4. You may have a tough time locating a primariliy French city or town in British Columbia. There are less than 2% of the BC residents who use French as their main language. However, several people are bilingual (English/French).

    You may find a larger French community around the areas of Maillardville, or in Port Alberni, as those had French churches set up for their parish and French is still common to be heard on the streets in those towns today, even though the language has become mostly English now.

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