
Hello, I would like to leave a group but would all my messages and content go with me? I want to keep it.?

by  |  earlier

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I am leaving the Tregaskes-Tregaskis-Tregaskiss Families group but would like all my contributions (content) to be kept. Is this possible?




  1. what do you mean kept? when you leave any group, all that leaves is the member and nothing they contributed- if you want to delete all those things you can depending

    if the archives are open you can search your own posts, click to open them and Delete will be on the left top. this will be time consuming, but it can be done

  2. Don't know the group, but, ANYTHING that appears on a computer monitor is already on that person's computer.  So the answer is NO.

    Once you press the send key it's than out there in cyber space.  And so far no one has invented a program to be a vacuume to retrieve their personal content off the 'net.

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