
Hello, I would really like?

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a little help.

A few years ago I suffered from an eating disorder. I dropped 60 pounds in about a school year plus the following summer.

Sadly, starving myself had its consequences and I gained all the weight (and then some) back.

I know I have a problem with food, and I have decided that it stops here.

I want to eat myself healthier.

I understand that losing weight and becoming healthier will include several big changes in my lifestyle and I am willing to work hard for this.

I'm not looking for a "get thin fast" scheme where I can gain all the weight back quickly, I want something that will work and improve my quality of life.

So, please if you have any tips I would love to hear them.

Perhaps some websites with healthier meal options or some exercise routines. Whatever has helped you.

My problem areas:

my stomach

my butt

my thighs

my arms.

Basically I am looking towards having a slimmer body all around.

I would really like to have noticeable results in about at least a year, its every girls dream to look amazing her Senior year in high school.

So please, help this one achieve her goal.

Thank you




  1. Your real goal is a healthy lifestyle, so:

    1. Teach yourself about nutrition, and only eat healthy foods. Learn what is junk, and learn to avoid it. Junk is edible, but junk is not food.

    2. Get in the habit of exercising. Walking is excellent. Or join a gym.

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