
Hello, Im looking for a job in Peru(south america) would you be interested in hiring?

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I have several years of experience in the field of security working for hotels and airports, Im an american citizen thats speaks both english and spanish at the same highest skill level, and Im looking for a company that can hire me here in Lima or another area in Peru to work, Im also interested to work as an interpreter. If someone is interested let me know at 368-4744 (Peru).




  1. You will better off working as an English teacher or as a turist guide whom I understand are in high demand due to a growing turism in Peru you may ask the Instituto Cultural Peruano-Norteamericano por information, check the sheraton hotel for Job oportunities, but try to get into the above mentioned fields.

  2. English Teachers get 500 usd more or less a month and ICPNA doesn't hire those without legal visas.

    Try getting hired in the US and transfered to Lima, better salary and benfits that way.

    Jobs can be found here

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