
Hello, My nephew has come to Nepal and he is a green card holder. He has been here for more than 10 months.?

by Guest59863  |  earlier

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Can he stay in Nepal a little longer? If so, what does he need to do to stay longer in Nepal. If not, what is the duration of his stay here in Nepal? Does he need to contact the American embassy in Nepal and which department he needs to visit at the embassy? Waiting for your reply. Thank you




  1. I very well agree with Jonathan.

  2. I presume you mean he is a United States permanent resident?  Technically, your nephew has relinquished his residency by taking such a long trip.  You can not take a trip of longer than 6 months without getting ADVANCE permission to do so.  By no means should he go to the U.S. Embassy to request an extension as this would only tip them off that he's been out of the country so long.  

    That being said, do not despair.  There are lots of people who take long trips and the U.S. government never catches on.  Should he ever decide to apply for U.S. citizenship, he'll have to detail where he's lived and traveled for the last 5 years, and show copies of his passport.  At that time, a clever interviewer may notice his entry/exit stamps from Nepal and realize that he'd been out of the country for too long and that could be . . . well, that could be bad.  

    My advice would be to keep a low profile about this, but don't extend the trip any further if your nephew intends to keep his U.S. residency.  And, if he applies for citizenship, he might want to wait until that five (or three, depending on the circumstances of his residency) year period passes so as not to make this trip an issue.

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