
Hello, Tha past couple of nights of my dreams....seem like a message...but I can't find it......

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Hello, Tha past couple of nights, my dreams have been strange. Let me start like this...When I was about 3 I saw SCREAM for tha first time. I wasn't frightened at all. More, intrested. So intrested tha first thing I learned to draw was ghostface from SCREAM. One time when I was bein baby sitted, One of tha chicks sons went and got a whole costume of him and came in there with a knife and terrified me. I was only around 6 or under at tha time. Now tha past couple of nights I've been havin dreams revolvin around him.

1st dream: I was at my house and my girlfriend was with me. She was on tha back porch, I left and went back to my room, then went back again to check on her and she was gone, instead it was ghostface sitting in her chair, and there was a monster beside him. I started cussing them out and asking were she was when ghostface said "I want to play a game with you" He told me that she was somewhere in my yard....I didn't know if she was buried or hidden or what. I killed tha monster by shoving somethin in his head and then scream was chasin me around my house I got in my kitchen and grabbed a knife and stabbed him to death. Then I walked outside and tha dream ended without me finding her. A relativly dark ending if you ask me. That was tha only dream that I nessicarily felt threated in.

2nd dream: Im In A horror movie muesem or something and a song is playin. A non existing song and it was playing to what I was doing sayin something about "tha first time I saw you I was in a fake room" which I was then as I was turning around it said "As I turned around I look into tha eyes of my doom" and I was staring into tha eyes of a ghostface mask lying on a thing holding it up to be examined then as I was staring me grandma who was with me yelled there he is. I turned around and he was gone, he was up in tha air on tha balchoney thing and my grandma said he was starin down at me.

3rd Dream: Last night I had a dream that he was in my house with me trying to kill me, I ran into tha kitchen from my room, cuz he ran in my room and I grabbed 2 knives one little one and one big one shoved em in my pockets and ran to my front door area and stared into tha hallway bein lit by tha son shinin through a window on my garage door to go out to tha garage. And I opened tha front door and shut it to sound like I ran out side and I looked back into tha hallway and saw his shadow comin down tha hallway I ran out tha door and I woke up...

Please tell me...I can't figure out if it's that Im obsessed with this character or terrified. And I feel like the dreams are trying to tell me somethin....but wheres tha message??? I dont see me!




  1. your dreams are trying to tell you to lay off of horror movies. you are too young for them. heck i'm 53 and i'm too young for many of them.

    some people can handle horror movies and some of us can't. movies today are a lot different than when i was your age. many of us psychologically just can't handle violence and gore of any kind and i think you are probably of them. if there is any message in your dreams that would be it.

  2. It maybe unconscious ; but its like you always feel threaten by someone ; and you are always ready to jump on the first one who is not OK with you . So lots of anger and a big pride  


    may help u


    i didnt really read the entire thing cause i have to go somewhere. i hope this hleps u.

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