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does anyone know anything about



clockwork mechanism



Which is most like death





  1. All of these words relate to animating inanimate objects.

    Galvani did the initial experiments which showed that a frog's muscles would twitch and become animated when electricity was passed through the animal.

    Frankenstein was writen by Mary Shelly who studied with James Lind at University.  Lind was inspired and fascinated with the work of Galvani and was exploring the possibility of reanimation using electricity to cause movement in organic forms.  Shelly, quite possibly, took his work as an inspiration for her Dr. Frankenstein who was trying to reanimate a dead body using the electricity produced by lightning.

    The clockwork mechanisms are used to provide animation and movement to toys and of course clocks.

    An automaton is an automated replica of a living object, and the word is often used to refer to robots.  Automatons were originally developed using clockwork internal mechanisms to provide their movement, but the mechanisms have progressed to include electronic devices.  The key is that automatons are self-operating or self-automated.

    Bonus (good riddle):

    E is most like death because it is at the end of life.

  2. Olympus summerized Galvani well enough

    Frankenstein is a fictional character created by Marry Shelley during the Gothic Romance period around 1818. Frankenstein is the product of science gone mad in attempt to make another human being. He would be an example of an abomination

    A clock work mechanism is any device that opperates like clock work. For example - your alarm clock, automated sprinklers, mass production factories and so forth. The key is that they have a timming mechanism that ensures any such device functions at a specific time.

    An automaton really can be just another word for robot or a self propelling machine.

    As to your bonus you just confused me. I guess A, Galvani is most like death since he's actually dead. Frankenstein never really existed and the other two describe inanimate objects that never were living in the first place.

  3. hey, thx,

    Luigi Galvani (September 9, 1737 – December 4, 1798) was an Italian physician and physicist who lived and died in Bologna. In 1771, he discovered that the muscles of dead frogs twitched when struck by a spark.[1] He was a pioneer in modern obstetrics, and discovered that muscle and nerve cells produce electricity.

    An automaton (plural: automata or automatons) is a self-operating machine. The word is sometimes used to describe a robot, more specifically an autonomous robot. Used colloquially, it refers to a mindless follower.

  4. Some say death is clockwork, i.e. it is mapped out and has a set time, date, place and way it is going to happen which is unavoidable.

    I.e. if you were to die being hit by a bus but stayed away from buses for the entire day, one would still hit you and kill you one way or another
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