
Hello, i need advice. ?

by  |  earlier

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alright. i'm going to try to make this as simple as possible. so here i go:

ok, let me tell you alittle about me. i'm a sophomore. i'm not the most popular kid around. but alot of people know me. i have friends, who i secretly don't like. haha. i come from a small town where everything and everyone is "perfect" hah. i have never had a real boyfriend. i haven;t done anything with a guy. lol... loser. so i guess you could call me immature?? i'm not really prude. i just want to make it count. i think?

alright, moving on, so i have this friend. he lives down the street from me. he is the most gorgeous kid i have ever met. he is a junior. he's a pretty popular kid. he's had girlfriends. really, i think it's kinda amazing he talks to me,

i think he might like me too.

we went to the movies last night. and he was playing wiht his hands (obviously hinting to hold hands lol) so i held hands with him. and then he let go of my hands and started rubbing my leg/thigh, going all the way up my leg.

ok so, now, i don't know wht to do anymore. i really like him. and i want to text him and talk to him all the time, but i don't want to look desperate. i have never felt this way before. && i really don't want to mess anything up.

soo any advice would be greatt :) thanks




  1. um honestly speaking, I think maybe he is pushing it. Doing that on the first date is not so cool. But if you like him & you're comfortable with him doing that then maybe you should just text him...just say something like hey whats up or something.

  2. well hes clearly flirting with you and if hes showing some interest i think you should talk to him. from the way you explain things you sending him a simple text message saying hey whats up wont hurt anything. i think you should just start talking to him more. take a chance!

  3. I think you should give him a chance cause he is showing interest. Just be careful cause he is a guy and he might just be looking to get some. So you should take a while to get to know him.  

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