
Hello, please translate anyone????

by Guest60521  |  earlier

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who is this Isabella??




  1. Il procedimento si attiva a seguito di accertamento di infrazioni o violazioni di prescrizioni contenute nell'atto autorizzatorio relativi allo scarico di reflui fuori dalla pubblica fognatura.

    The fine (or legal action) will be activated once an infraction or violation of the laws, contained in the sewage authorizations, has been ascertained.

    This is the gist of it. Do you own property there? Isabella seems to be your contact at the water department. It looks more like a warning reminding you if you have or will violate any of the sewage laws action will be taken against you.

  2. The procedure itself profit to I continue of assessment of violations or restrained violations of prescriptions in the fit relevant autorizzatorio to the discharging of reflui outside from the public drainage.  Consignees Attivazione of office in case of violations

    You document necessary no

    Normative D. Lgs.  152/99 and s. m. the.  D. M.  185 of june 12 2003 D. M.  367 of november 6 2003 L. R.  16/01

    and s. m. the.  L. R.  64/01 and s. m. the.  D. P. G. R.  28/r of may 23 2003 Delib.  G. P.  201 of june 30 2003

    Times 60 days.  

    Isabella is the contact person for this issue. This looks like some type of fine or ticket for possibly discharge of liquids in a drain inthe public which is not allowed. for 60 days. The following is just the law and dates the was writtien. "Normative D. Lgs.  152/99 and s. m. the.  D. M.  185 of june 12 2003 D. M.  367 of november 6 2003 L. R.  16/01

    and s. m. the.  L. R.  64/01 and s. m. the.  D. P. G. R.  28/r of may 23 2003 Delib.  G. P.  201 of june 30 2003"

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