
Hello,I miss you quite terribly.?

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How can you forget a person who u r in love with? how can you forget the moments u spent togheter? and how can u forget him? If love break into my life it can also walk away isn't it? I'm really sad and my heart is bleeding.I can't forget his eyes and the way he looked me and he touched me.I miss him terribly...i just want to me can anyone delete my memories? :______( </3




  1. Same problem =(

  2. Well first things first is this your first love?

    Because if it is then i&#039;m sorry to say it is very unlikely for these feelings to go away, they will tone down alot over time but you just have to wait, if it is true love even if you both move far away from eachother and never see eachother again you will always remember them. You just need to stay strong and talk to your friends they should help you

    Sorry not much help i went a little off subject.


  3. I&#039;m afraid not, you can&#039;t forget someone you love. Ever. It&#039;s impossible.

    I am still in love with my first love.... but I am also in love with another guy who treats me so much better.... it&#039;s been a year and a bit since my first love but I still don&#039;t forget him, but I am over him.

    You just need to talk to your friends and listen to happy music. Try &#039;the wombats&#039; and &#039;joy division&#039; in lime wire. It will cheer you up if only for five minutes.

    Write a list of all the things you want to do.. and go shopping! get a new haircut

    have fun and forget about him until you feel ready to love him but not need him

    good luck xx

  4. Baby;

    Memories are there to be remembered, and to comfort you when you are lonely.

    You are never supposed to forget them....

    Felling sad is just one way of feeling the happy moments all over again.

  5. You&#039;ll never forget the one you love, but over time the pain will get better. Wounds heal. I understand how you feel. My relationship is falling apart right now and we got a baby on the way. It hurts, but it will soon decrease. It will take time though. Just try and stay busy, hang out with your friends, go shopping, pick up a new hobby, things will get better. Just give it time.

  6. Poor you, chick.

    Time heals all ills but some things you never forget. Look back on it as an experience you will never forget that will teach you more for when you next fall in love.

    You may never forget but time will make it easier.

    *hugs* x*x

  7. It just happens.  Its one of the cruel ironies of life.  That which makes us the happiest can also make us the lowest.  You have to just go through it like the rest of us.  Eventually the pain will subside and you&#039;ll develop a thicker skin, but still be able to love.  You&#039;ll be fine. What you dont want to do right now is handle it badly, like calling, stalking the guy.  That&#039;ll just backfire, you&#039;ll regret it.  Hold your head high, maintains some pride and dignity and realize you aren&#039;t alone.  And besides, there is someone out there that is perfect for you.  I promise.

  8. this is really sad and i&#039;m sorry you broke up. focus on all the bad points about this person anything they did to annoy you, any annoying habits and stuff lie that and then keep thinking why the h**l do i want to be with someone like that????? if that doesn&#039;t work tell him how you really feel and see what happens i know guys hate all that i love you kinda c**p but sometimes they do have a heart and it does work

  9. you&#039;re the only one that can delete the memories...i went through the same thing and i just thought of all the bad things he did to help me. I also talked to other guys to get my mind off of him.

  10. i went through that a few months ago.

    you shouldn&#039;t worry about anything, you most definately won&#039;t die.

    just remember that everything happens for a reason, and you&#039;ll find another great guy, in the future.

    until then, don&#039;t dwell on just this one guy, it&#039;s his loss.

    it&#039;s just another way of saying that you&#039;re too good for him.

    now feel better. *bear hug* :)

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