
Hello,I´m from spain,and I ask about the differnet english americano and english to london.?

by Guest33605  |  earlier

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Sorry,I like to know to me that it differentiates has between English of America and the one of londre. The accent? I am spanish, and I do not explain myself well.





  1. english like me do not have an acent as such and spell colour like that not color. we do not make music like the ying yang twins in U.S. david beckem is moving there as well.

  2. The English language spoken at its place of origin is a lot more sophisticated than its American counterpart. Some examples: spelling (color (American) and colour (British)). I much prefer the British way myself. But then again, I am biased.

  3. Hola, soy Marcus desde Sudafrica, vivo ahora en España por poco tiempo,

    Enseño ingles y es mi primera lengua, pero

    No hay mucha differencia entre Ingles hablado en America Norte, Inglaterra, Australia, Nueva Zelanda o Surafrica.

    La Lingua es bastante nueva y no ha sido tiempo sufficiente para desarollarse en dialectos distinctos y tambien en este tiempo hay television che une la lingua.

    Entonces gramaticalmente es casi 99.9% lo mismo donde sea.

    Si tu quieres apprender Ingles, yo creo seria mejor apprender con un professor que tiene accento neutral (tampoco se peude apprender ingles por libro - la pronunciacion es demasiado dificil asi)

    El accento ingles mas dificil para apprender (lo che yo he oido) sera en el norte de Escocia y ciertas partes de Inglaterra.

    El ingles hablado y escritto peor en mi opinion (lo que yo he encontrado) sera en partes de Inglaterra y America donde no hay mucha importancia dado en educacion con su mismo lingua!

    Espero che este informacion te ayude.

    Hasta luego,


  4. Hola

    Don't really understand your question but suggest you come to London and meet lots of friendly english people

  5. it's different, not just the accent the words too

  6. do you mean why we are different to americans? us english are misirable while americans i find are outgoing and friendly.

    English are also lazy (inc me!)

  7. its the same as Spanish from Spain and Spanish from Mexico. they are essentially the same language but different dialects

  8. i cant undrstnd u..........

    d u speak english..??if ya then ask it in eng.........

  9. The British elongate their vowels much more than Americans do. Hope this helps:)

  10. Sorry I dont understand the question

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