
Hello,friends...Can you unscramble these words and come up with FORMER tv shows?

by  |  earlier

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Most of the words are just the opposite of the real words.

1. Happy about you

2. Beverly mountain people

3. Big abode in the desert




  1. By the time I think of them. . .someone always beats me to it ! !  Darn you guys are too good ! !  

  2. 1. mad about you

    the other two no idea..if im even right with the first one.. lol

  3. 1. Mad About you

    2. Beverly Hillbillies

    3. Little House on the Priarie

  4. Mad About You

    Beverly Hillbillies

    Little House on the Prairie

  5. 1. Mad about you

    2. Beverly Hillbillies

    3. Small house on the prairie

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