
Hello All Again, i dropped my comp 2 days ago..?

by  |  earlier

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And i got the Blue Screen.. is the comp wrecked now bcoz i heard once u get the blue screen thats the hard drive wrecked. it seems to be workin now but yesterday it kept freezing and it just somehow restored itself to its factory settings.. so wil i be better off just buyin a new comp? Thanks in advance x




  1. Could be a problem with device drivers, hardware or software. This  problem can be solved by uninstalling new software, updating device drivers and making minor configuration changes . From . You can also run a free registry scan using utilities from

  2. i doubt it is wrecked but if u throw it away, throw it in my direction please :)

  3. 100% definitely, categorically, NOT WRECKED.

    If it's working at all, it's fine; worst case, you've knocked something a little loose.

    I fix laptops every day of the week - and trust me, if yours is booting up, it's basically fine.

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