
Hello All. I wish you to kindly tell between these two countries the best to live and raise kids?

by Guest61177  |  earlier

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Hello All. I wish you to kindly tell between these two countries the best to live and raise kids in. In which pone could one have a better working condition? better quality of life and standard of lioving and happiness?




  1. Ireland  have you ever experienced a Canadian winter (all 9 mos. of it!

  2. I am biased because I am I would say Canada. :-)

  3. puerto rico

  4. That's a touch question but I guess I would go with Ireland.

  5. The countries that are consistently ranked the highest regarding standard of living, happiness of population, education, health, etc., are Norway and Sweden.

    Look up the UNDP Human Development Report for country rankings on a range of criteria

  6. Ireland is gorgeous, I've never been to either one though. I have no clue you need to research both, find people who have lived there before and get their opinions, and also visit each one before you decide where you want to move your whole life and family to.

  7. Canada

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