
Hello Americans....are you feeling generous today?

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Here are some lines for newspapers in Myanmar.

On relief efforts from US,

-accepting military assistance "comes with strings attached" that are "not acceptable to the people of Myanmar."

-The report cited fears of an American invasion aimed at grabbing the country's oil reserves.

Oh how can these poor people not see we are just here to help them? We know nothing of oils etc...We are here to help you just as we helped the poor Iraqi people..come on accept our generosity!

Aint I right?




  1. Zoe this is the second time you have posted this, why don't you take your post and stick it where the sun doesn't shine. By the way no you are not right.

  2. The newspapers there are government owned and run. Of course they would say that so the people won't expect aid from us. No, there are no strings attached. Just like the USA has helped Indonesia from the tsunami, and in relief efforts all over the world. We're always the first country that responds to disasters.

    If you don't believe me then do some research and find out for yourself.

  3. no..

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