
Hello Argentina ....?

by  |  earlier

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G’day, I want to learn more about your country . . . .! …

Out of your little ‘corner of the world’ what are the 5 BEST things about living there?

Also name 3 things you don’t like about it, or would want to change.

Thanks Mate




  1. Hi!

    well i dont think that we are in the "corner", but i wanna tell u things about my country... its a great place, (against the popular opinion) here there are cute persons, Argentinian is a person so opened to other cultures, the places and landscapes are simply unvelibeables...

    What Id like changing... the myths about it... 'cause are so injust the things that people say about Argentina, and i feel sad when it happen. I think that World have to know more about this wonderful country, about us and the good things that we can show and give...

    Well, Thanks for this space and good luck!

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