
Hello Everyone ... do u agree with this quote....?

by  |  earlier

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"those who die without fulfilling their desires will re-born again, to fulfill it"

Is there anyone who missed their chances in ur present life time and want to fulfill it in the next life time....

According to me... i want to marry the girl whom i missed in this life time......

Thanx for ur answers ....




  1. Who can assure you of rebirth? Fulfill all your desires in this life itself.


    How will you know the girl you marry in next birth is the same girl you missed in this birth?

  2. only for quoting purpose  

  3. a person wish to die i.e his desires his hope is lost wen he face a failure and according to me re born means rekindling his lost hope one should never lament over his past coz its gone and not think of future coz its unpredictable so enjoy present and prevent urself 4rom dng wrong over which u feel u lost chance

  4. no not really...i haven't heard a lot of "re-born" stuff except for in i m not sure i belive in that so much.  

  5. listen dude the one who dies will never born again.check my site  

  6. hi,upto now there is not such desire for me.i can't say about next life time

  7. i dont need a reborn i always fulfill my desires whenever i required

    I dont need a second chance

  8. no i dont agree

  9. No i dont quite agree with this quote...

    i guess we have to do all things in one life..

    some wishes may come true and others may not..

    but remember all things happen only for our good!!

  10. No.. I dont agree with this quote..

  11. A lot of people's "unfulfilled desires" are impossible.

    For example, I may want to be William Shakespeare.  Granted, that would be totally insane, but there are people whose desires involve having been something in the Past.  Ever hear of the Society for Creative Anachronisms?

    I don't think that even unlimited Reincarnation could ever fulfill that desire, and even if it were possible to be Reincarnated to a former time, what happens if more than one person has that particular unfulfilled desire?

    By the way.. if you missed the girl you wanted to marry, does she have to come back, too, even if she's already fulfilled all of her desires?

  12. Umm i do agree.

  13. this is the time when you can fulfill your dream...otherwise there's no chance to re-birth...

  14. there is another quotes...

    "If you can't do it, then your child will do it!"

    Do u agree this one?

  15. really dunno abt it.

    in my opinion we can try to achieve our goals or dreams in this lifetime only.

    as to being born again,really dunno whether it is possible or not.

  16. best of luck.

  17. no!  

  18. No, I don't agree.

    Why do you want to keep desires pending, just complete it in this lifetime itself - who knows whether you'll get one more birth or not. One should not keep his work pending, so complete it whenever you get chance.

  19. well thats  your thinking.if u truly love that girl then i dnt think she refuse to come back.because love conquer over love n hate over hate

    so true love n ur gf thing is that it depends on our actions of previous year n this year to see if  our fulfillments can be dnt bother about anything.just do ur good action n duties what u seem good according to u n later its result will ur life happily as whatever happens ,it hapends for the best n in future also will be the best

  20. Sounds like the ultimate form of procrastination to me...  O.o

  21. Personally i dont beleive in life after death, and other lives!

    And to the dude who was on about his child doing it!

    I think your child is gonna be a bit young to marry the woman you missed yourself!

  22. Well i 100% agree with ur quote.........

              Well no...i have not missed anything in my present life.......But in the future.....who knows i may.......u never told me about ur gf.....will ask u in private........bye........

  23. WOW,I AM SORRY FOR YOU,ofcourse if you pray hard enough you will surely have our dreams fulfilled,i think your idol is fortunate

  24. Yes i agree and i wish in ur next birth...u marry her...

  25. Hi, DON

    well i m totaly agree vit dis quote.

    and watever is happening in my life i'll tell u dis in private.


    take care.

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