
Hello Guys! What is the average monthly salary for a Montessori Assistant Teacher? Thanks.?

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I have a Bachelor's Degree, 2 years experience in working with children in Europe and I went through the Montessori Teacher Training Course, just have to pass my final exams, doing my internship at the moment.




  1. You don't say where you live, but teaching salaries in the states are not high to begin with, and assistant teacher salaries will be even less, and Montessori salaries might be on a par if you're lucky, but you won't be rolling in dough.

    We used to pay our lead teacher in the upper 20s, so if you backtrack, an assistant might be making $15k to $18k, which is about $8 or $9/hour, or about $1200 to $1500/month before taxes.

  2. Go through an Alternative Teaching Certificate Program if you degree is not in education and get fully certified in your state.  Go to a county school system once you are certified.  The pay and benefits are much better in the public schools as a teacher.  In Florida all the community colleges offer an Alternative Teaching Certificate Program to become professionally certifed to teach, most are geared for working adults so you can work and get your certificate at the same time.  Many other states have similar programs and if you are going into a critical shortage area you might get full tuition reimbursement.  

    The job you are asking about probably won't pay you a living wage I am sorry to say.  You really need to get the professional certification and work for the public school system if you want a living wage as a teacher.

  3. For an assistant teacher... Their wages is counted by hourly rate. I can say its between $9-12 per hour. It also depends on education and experience background.  Some international schools could pay better than that.. In addition they would also receive lots of benefit....

  4. I hate to say it, but not very much. Rather than being an assistant, you should try being a lead teacher.

  5. Extremely poor.

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