
Hello.I am 14 years old and want to become a professional skateboarder.How can i acheive my goal?

by Guest66394  |  earlier

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I want to work my way up,but i need help getting there.How should i start?




  1. i want to play pro volleyball and this is what i do.

    play on a team all year long, school and club. so you could get on a skate team.

    i go to 3 volleyball week long camps a year. there are probably  skate camps.

    most importantly practice every single day.      

    i have a friend who is a pro skater  and he was recruited at a skate park so go to a popular skate park often and maybe someone will see you. also sign up for skateboard competitions in your local area, see how you do tthen start traveling around the country.

  2. theres only one way to acheive this goal, practice!

  3. skate shoes...skateboard (not a crappy wal-mart) start out with a world industries......that's what i 1st used....and have to practice everday..if you want to get there...practice!!! in your drive way or in a practice!!...

    hope i could help!!

  4. finish school then go to a lot of competitions  its all about training.

  5. Practice everyday, if you get fustrated, then take breaks. never stop skating, and always try your hardest. look on youtube for tutorials on skating.

  6. upload video on youtube and see wat happens

  7. skate for 4 years. flim your best tricks. post it on Fuel

    wait. possibly get sponsored. practice

  8. practice practice and more practice

  9. U probably have to devote you entire life to it, like get out there with the thing like 5 hours a day. Theres a lot of pros out there n if want to actucually make a CAREER out of that, u better be serious..

  10. Have a guy film you and sell your skate videos or get some famous dude to watch them and like them

    good luck though because 99.999999% of the people who try this will ultimately fail.

  11. Well, I'm assuming you're already good or you wouldn't ask this question. Keep skateboarding at skate parks. When you can impress everybody there, then you're ready to do something about it. Go to a skatepark and try to get sponsored. Then go to a bunch of competitions until you get noticed.

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