
Hello I am a new father and my girlfriend has a two year old, i was wondering how do i balance work and family

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We all live together the newborn stays with us and the two year old spends time with his father nce a month for a week or two. We all seem to be getting along very well and trying our best but my girlfriend and i are tired and drained. What can i do to make things better and healthier for everyone. I am very new to all of this and have been living alone for most of my life any advice thank you




  1. unfortunately, it comes with the territory of having a newborn.  it does get better when the baby gets older.

  2. Okay, yes, this is what you signed up for, and yes, this is what being a parent is.  But I also think that people need time for themselves after becoming a parent, or they lose all sense of self and all sense of personal contentment.  If I were you, I'd hire a babysitter to watch the kids while you and your girlfriend went out on a date.  Not once a week, mind you, but there's nothing wrong with going out once or twice a month.  Also, maybe you could watch the kids for 3 hours while your girlfriend got some personal time to do whatever she wanted (manicure, hair cut, a nap, etc.) and she could do the same for you.  

    Good luck!!  

  3. Well, all I can say is, welcome to the real world and reality of being parent. The newborn will soon sleep longer and things will get better but until then, just grin and love every minute your awake.  

  4. Welcome to the world of parenting...I already know you will be a great Dad from your question...The best thing you can do is offer your help whenever possible to the new Mommy. She is probably physically exhausted and anything you do will be greatly appreciated.I know you are tired too but you did not just give birth ...She needs her rest!  Take each day as it comes and if you have extended family or some very good friends...Don't be afraid to ask for an extra set of hands once in a while...Even a short break will "refuel" the two of you! Best of luck!

  5. First of all, you have a newborn and a two year old and that can be extremely draining.

    My best advice would be to pick a day once a week, or a couple of nights a week, where grandma, grandpa, auntie or uncle can babysit for you and enjoy some time with the littlest members of the family.  This will give you and your wife free time to nap and just enjoy each other without the responsibility of your children.  

    Its great that you're doing so well taking care of your children, but you have to give yourself some time for you too.  Having some alone time should help you both feel more energized and it could also bring you closer in your relationship.  

    Don't burn the candle at both ends and allow family to give you a hand.  They should be happy to help, but if they aren't maybe there's a close friend who you trust that would be willing to give you a much deserved break.  Good luck and congrats on the baby!

  6. You sound like a wonderful guy who is already doing the right thing.  Keep being a family and not putting one child before the other, that's very important.  You've already done more that a lot of men would even dream of doing.

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