
Hello. I have a pretty severe case of Social Phobia. Can TRUE FAITH in Chistianity help me overcome this?

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I'm not talking about theraputic RELIGIOUS SCIENTOLOGY! Agh! I hate that stuff! You know, where they take out "psychological tips" from the Bible and apply them to life..

Not those! I'm talking about GENUINE faith in God and the Christian faith. Can it bring me out of my anxiety?? And if so, any tips? Thanks. Bless you who answer and help!




  1. nope... that's actually a pretty naive question.

  2. All of the atheistic(anti Christ) answers are what you should expect from them, they have no faith so no understanding except to be rude(some).  To answer your question, yes, The Holy Spirit will guide you into peace.  Your confidence will be in Him.

  3. A good psychiatrist and medication might.  Seriously.  You don't have to suffer with this.

  4. Yes it can help. I've also found meditation useful. Good luck though i believe you'll be fine.

  5. Yes, faith i'll give you some verses that God  promised to us when we have our faith and no evil can touch you.

    HEBREWS 13:6 = So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and i will not fear what man shall do unto me.

    ISAIAH 41:10 =Fear thou not, for I am with thee be not desmayed; for I am thy God. I will strenghten thee; I will help thee; yea, I will help thee, yea, I will uphold thee with the righthand of my righteousness.

    If you have FAITH:

    MARK 11:23 = For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea, and shall not doubt in his heart, hut shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.

    24 = Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.

    1 Corinthian 16:13 = Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong.

    1 Corinthians 16:14 = Let all your things be done with charity.( let everything done with LOVE, and you will see how God works to your life) God blees you.

  6. No. Trust in God can overcome that if He works with you on that. Just because you think you need something doesn't mean that God thinks that you need something.

  7. Gosh! I used to be like you when i was younger!

    My answer is:

    You are perfectly made by God.

    So you have to be CONFIDENT.

    Hence there's no reason for you to have a social phobia.

    But if you really can't help yourself,

    talk to a reliable counselor in your Church =)

  8. Genuine faith in god will only help you to keep faith in god.

    However, in order to fix a problem you must actually find the roots.

  9. First you must believe that Jesus is God, and believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  That is necessary for salvation and to get His help.

    The Gospel of Jesus Christ is this: The truth is that the only way to be saved and to get into heaven and avoid being sent to eternal h**l is by believing in faith alone that Jesus, who is God, died for our sins on the cross and rose from the dead (1 Corinthians 15:1-4). Believe this and you are saved!

    Please pray now: "Jesus, please forgive me of my sins. I believe that You died on the cross for my sins and You rose from the dead. Thank You for eternal life!" You will be in heaven with Him forever when you die. :)

    Next, pray to Jesus that you would be lifted by Him out of this phobia.  He will do it!  :)

  10. The only way i see it helping is because of the social experience of church.  If that's the case you don't need religion to help social phobia so much as putting yourself around people until you get comfortable with the situation.  

  11. Yes just give it to God and trust in him.  I won't tell you it will seem easy at the time but when you look back after those feelings are gone and think "Wow thank you God".

  12. there are 3 things that will help you

    you need all 3 to do this not just one because you have a chemical in balance


    Medication for anxiety

    And counseling

  13. This is not just a catch phrase.  Through God All Things Are possible.  He reponds quicker to thanksgiving.

  14. Dear Friend,

    Trust in the Lord for all things! My wife suffered from anxiety a few years back, I am a teacher not "preacher" of the word and I sat with her for many nights and we read the bible together and now I'm happy to say that she does not suffer from anxiety anymore.

    If you would like you can contact me by email and I can give you some pointers and tips. We can even do a bible study together by email. That's up to you.. I hope that I can be of some help and if not then I pray that God will touch you and help you!!

    In His Service

    Dr.Jason Thompson D.D

  15. If you have true faith in him he can help you with any thing read phil 4:13

  16. I am here to tell you I am living proof that it can.  I have come from a life time of anxiety (40 years)  I am now 44 and four years ago God found me in the pits of anxiety.  God brought me out.  I am here to tell you God can free you.  email me we can talk.

  17. Lots of things can help you. It doesn't have to be religious but if this particular thing works for you, more power to you.

  18. True faith can help give you strength to overcome everything. Pray, and believe in God, and yourself.

  19. Honey... Religion is just a form of sublimation of your true feelings...

    "God" can't fix you... Only YOU can fix you...

    Anxiety NEEDS to be dealt with by PROFESSIONALS and child molesting priests are only professional nut-jobs.

    There are MANY forms of therapy... You MAY decide that short term medication is the way to go until you can learn to cope with these feelings through Therapy...

    There is hope for overcoming Anxiety... But asking god to fix you will do about as much as asking god to re grow the severed limb of a soldier.

  20. If that's what God's will in your life is then yes. If not, then no it won't.

  21. i dont know.  but from experience i know that it tends to not be something that can be instantly cured. take small risks and be patient.  push yourself into uncomfortable situations that you wish you could participate in.  know that not everything you say everybody is going to like.  don't be too hard on yourself if you slip up.

    as you continue to take risks and speak to new people you will slowly expand your comfort zone and different things will become easier.


  22. Not really?  I suppose the idea you should get over is fear of man idea in the bible.  Thats really all that it talks about.  I deal with the same issue to the point I never talk at all.  So, I've tried the religion stuff and it doesn't really help.  I would suggest you try learning sociology and psychology and it does help.  It lets you know people better.

  23. yes, it can.

    but i must say that having genuine faith in God because you feel you need things isn't necessarily the right reason.

    first, read philippians 4:6. and 1 John 5:1-5 is pretty good, too :]

    NO problem of ours is too small for God to care about.

    if you read in Matthew chapter 10, you'll see that God even cares about the sparrows!

    how much more does He care about you!

    John 8:38 says "So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed."

    what an encouraging truth that is! Christ can liberate us from the things that hold us back from Him and other things.

    however, you have to examine your motivations for wanting to be set free from this.

    if they're to bring yourself glory or recognition... God might not be so quick to answer your prayer.

    but if you want to change because you feel its holding you back from the full potential you could be for Him, then you can bet He'll grant you your heart's desire.

    also, keep in mind it might not be an immediate change.

    remember-- Peter had enough faith to walk on water!

    but the moment he took his eyes off of Jesus, he began to sink.

    when you start changing, don't get prideful and full of it!

    keep your eyes forward looking onward towards the prize-- Jesus Christ.

    hope this helped at least a little!

  24. Hehe, the answer is yes, it could, but not because believing in God will turn his ear to you.

    If you're talking about joining some kind of a church/club where you'd go to share with other ppl your feelings and faith-related issues, etc. etc., then it will help you because you'd just get with ppl in a safe environment and talk (it doesn't matter about what!).

    If you're talking about just believing in God, then it will also help, although perhaps to a lower degree.  You will think that everything will eventually work out and someone out there is looking out for you, and even if not - you'll go to heaven eventually.  This will make it easier to live.  I don't want to start a whole religion vs. atheism debate, but I personally believe that this is the main reason ppl join and follow religions - so it is easier to live day to day.

    Either way, my advice is to get with ppl in safe environments and just talk about random stuff, it will help.

  25. I am very introvert and have social phobia. I am very religious and go to church and church events every week. It is hard and I can't say that having more faith really helps with the anxiety. I can say that if I go a few weeks without going to church because of an illness or some other reason, it is harder. The more I get to know people the easier it is, because I know them and am not afraid of them so much. I guess it does get easier if you go to church every week and get to know people. You can't just pray to suddenly not be afraid of people any more. You really just have to put yourself out there and get to know people.

  26. Faith might help some, but I'd think a psychologist's referral to a phobia treatment program would be more practical and help you more quickly.

    For faith to really help, you would have to fill your thoughts with so much love and trust that no room was left for fear.  That takes a lot of work and meditation, and it can be done.  It just isn't easy.

  27. "With God all things are possible!"  I believe in this statement but want to warn that this is a simplistic answer.  Just because you believe in God doesn't mean he will take away your social problem.  I also have problems in social situations and my belief in God hasn't taken them away.  All I know is He helps me as I try to learn the skills to help myself in those social situations.  It's a lifelong lesson that I am continuing learning. All that being said, don't think it's a knock to your faith if you talk to a counselor.  They are a great resource to use.  Try looking up Christian Counselors in your area.  

  28. Probably not.  What is "Genuine" faith depends on the church member and the church.

    Genuine faith is no substitute for the assistance of mental health professionals.  As a matter of fact, I used to have two different pastors who were licensed pastoral counselors.  While many in the clergy counsel their congregation, these guys actually had clinical training and practice in handling mental illness.  Both of them had either a Master of Arts or Master of Education in Counseling.  

  29. I'm sure there are verses in the Bible that can help you. Most of all, you have to help yourself with this. If you really want this, you can have it, but it will require work on your part and Faith most of all. Faith in God and Faith in yourself. God will help you if you ask for help.But you cannot stop along the way. You have to make a commitment. I can understand how you might feel. There have been times when I don't want to be around people. There is an energy exchange with people. Once you realize you have a problem, you can do something about it. Facing your fears is the best way to get over them. It sure is not easy to do, but it is a must if you want to change this in your life, which you obviously do. Make something good about it. That is how you change things that seem bad. Take it slow and add up the advances. Inch by Inch, everything is a cinch.

    Rev. TomCat

  30. I have a really bad anxiety disorder....I cannot go in front of a group of people, which I will freak...heart palps, sick to my stomach...but I am standing up in my best friends wedding, and I pray everyday that I won't look like an idiot and shake really bad.  I have been seeing a counselor about my anxiety, and she has teached me so much, about relaxation techniques, and breathing...I think of God,..and it really helps...He will get me through this....I think everything is a learning experience.

  31. Frankly, the benefit will be limited.  You would have a stronger reason to connect with other Christians.  You would have a source of strength that you could tap into as a Christian.  But with many Christians, and I am one, personality types are what they are.  Improvement is very possible, but major turnarounds are unlikely.  God wants you to maximize the gifts and abilities you have.

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