
Hello Im 18 years old and Im currently a dependant with my mother she claimed me on her 2007 tax return, but?

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will refuse to give me the tax return form nor go with me to school to fill out a FASA form for school, because she is scared someone will still her information. Ive tried to get people in my family to talk to her, but no luck. So now I would have to pay full price for school. I went yesterday to see if their was any other alternative to attend Middlesex County College and the only was is if I have the 2007 tax return form. Is their any legal way I can get my mom to give me a copy of the 2007 tax return so I can use it for school for the FASA form?




  1. To be quite honest, it seems as if your mother is attempting to sabotage your future.

    She knows no one will steal her return. Furthermore, if she were so concerned she would have gone with you.  That's what parents do.  They support their children when they know that this transition will provide the basis of the rest of their lives.

    I've been there.  My mother who is a nurse, never guided me or helped  with school.  She actually told me the school I was accepted to was "too prestigious" for me when she found out her friends daughter was rejected.  

    My father was too busy with his girlfriends and pretended he didn't understand what I was telling him.

    Some may not agree with me, but I think you should take it.  Why? I know what it's like to struggle and have no one there for you.  

    If you receive financial aid, that is better than having to scrape to put together money for tuition and then realize you have nothing left for books, transportation etc.

    Sometimes you have to be proactive and fight for what you need in life.

    In addition, make sure that you find employment or move with your other family members as they seem to be supportive.  This way, it will be difficult for her to claim you again next year.    Complete an independent form and get officials to verify that you provide for yourself.

  2. You might motivate her by handing her the tuition bill to your school.  Explain to her that since she isn't giving up her tax info she is hindering you from getting help to pay for it.  If that doesn't help you might try finding a Legal Aid program in your area to see if they could "scare" her a bit to give you her tax info.  Maybe they could issue her a certified letter or something.... prob not worth the paper it is written on, but she won't know that.

    Or maybe your relatives could do something similar with more impact.   Get the group of them together and make a up legal looking (on legal sized paper), notarized document signed by all saying they are going to disown her if she doesn't give you what you need to apply for fin aid.  Send it to her by certified mail just to know they are serious.

    Good luck.

  3. Wow..I am a mother and I can't believe she won't give the information needed.  I would tell her either she can pay for the school OR she can give the info.  I can't imagine standing in my child's way like that.

  4. You can fill out the application online through the secured FAFSA website.. Tell your mom to chill. This is your future she is messin with..

  5. do the application is secure and your mothers doesn't have to worry about it. but he way before you fill out the fafsa you have to make a have to make a pin for you and for your mother.....your mother pin's assures her that nothing is being done with her information....... by the way you are going to need social security numbers for both and passport number...... good luck...hope your mother gives you the tax returns............tell her that she is contributing to your education and that she wouldn't like that you'd be asking her for other stuff for something's college.........she has to assure her that her information won't be used for something else tell her to sit with you and to do the fafsa and pin together........=] good luck...=] thumbs up!!!!!!

    Pin website>>>>>>>

    fafsa website>>>>>>

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