
Hello. Im married and I've been trying to get pregnant for the past 6 months. Is there a probelem?

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Hello. Im married and I've been trying to get pregnant for the past 6 months. Is there a probelem?




  1. I know that usually, if you're young and there doesn't seem to be anything physically wrong with either you or your spouse, doctors tell you to wait up until a year before they start checking you. But if you feel you can't wait, start asking the doctor to check if anything is wrong. They usually start by checking the sperm (the most non invasive of all the tests done) and then they'll check the woman. You may want to buy an ovulation predictor kit at the pharmacy to see when you ovulate and can better know when to concentrate your sexual activity. But I'm no MD and your OBGyn is your best option for advice.

  2. dear stay relax.Its not too late tht u r worrying.Do visit doctr but aftr 6 mpnths.INSHALLAH u wll get good news vry soon.take care

  3. your doc will investiagate after 12months of trying. 6 mnths is not a long time really huni, keep trying xxxx

  4. I would go to the doctor, and let them run test to see when your High peak is for ovulating.

    oh and you spelled problem wrong.

  5. yeah prolly I have tried for 3 years and so far nothing! So anyway try to get on clomid for at least 10 days I took it and had a miscarrage but I got diabetis

  6. Hi!

    I had the same thing - fell pregnant with my 2 children (10 and 12 years old now) while being on the contraceptive pill.  Trying to conceive again now.  Been to Gynae (oops, dunno if that is misspelled ;-) ), he detected a cyst on my left ovary, which caused ovulation to stop.  Simple operation to have it removed, I should then fall pregnant easily.


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