
Hello Is It possable to take me electronics ( pc, tc etc ) when i move to australia from england ??

by  |  earlier

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also are the comoputer anbd TV's and things dearer there plz thnks




  1. Australia has the same 240v system as the UK, but different plugs.

    Don't bother bringing cheap electronic goods, they are just as cheap here.

    Backup you hard drive onto a USB stick or similar and sell it (if you can get anyone to buy a secondhand computer).

    Our TV operates on a different transmission system, so forget bringing that.

    Don't know what a tc is.

    P.S. you might consider learning how to use a spell checker.

  2. Electronics no problemo...

    u can carry as much as u want...

    Customs dont really care abt it.

    All customs are worried is people carrying wood (hrrrrr), food and stuff

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