I know the obvious answer here: call his doctor. I have, and will again first thing in the a.m.
He is seven months old. It started when he woke with a stuffy nose last night, and couldn't get back to sleep. He slept most of today, and I finally woke him this evening to find he had a 101.5 degree underarm temperature. I gave him Tylenol; the fever is almost back to normal, and he is back to sleep.
Here are my questions: He hasn't eaten hardly anything at all today. He has a hard time nursing because his nose is so clogged. I can't force him to nurse, but I offer the breast often. Should I continue to wake him every two hours to try and feed him, or just let him sleep?
Also, when he is awake, he is really friggin' happy. Besides the boogers streaming out of his nose and different breathing noises, you wouldn't really know he is sick. He's not as active, but he's very vocal and seems very content overall, not uncomfortable. Just kinda mellow.
Mainly I just want to know if I should keep waking him or let him sleep, but anything else you think might help ease my mind would be much appreciated. Thanks.