
Hello!! I´m from Brazil and I would like to know what do you think about the Brazil?

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I want to know about the american cultures!! So tel me!!! If u want you can send for me a mail ok?! Look my profile!!! Thanks!!!




  1. I love Brasil........although Ive never been Im going at the end of the year!

    America really has no one culture. Its a working society. Based on the cities ethinicity you might have some fesitvals or traditions every so Marti Gras or Cinco de Mayo. Just depends where you go! =)

  2. Americans are awesome!!  But probably not better than Brazillians!(sp? so sorry!)  I have always wanted to go visit south america and i would probably choose there!  Welcome to America!  Americans are very odd, that doesn't mean that we are bad, we are just really random and weird!  I suggest you just find lots of friends, mix and mingle, find out more about our culture!  OH, and GOOD LUCK!

  3. From where I am from, Brazillian women are considered hot.

  4. Americans only think of four things when they think about Brazil.

    1. Beautiful women

    2. Soccer

    3. Jiu Jitsu

    4. Getting killed

  5. Most Americans only know about the soccer and beautiful women.  Some Americans might know about Carnaval, surfing,  samba and bossa nova.  That's the extent of it.  Very, very few Americans know a lot more unless they have Brazilian friends or have visited the country.  This is where you can help- talk to them about the business, ecological and educational sectors when you meet them!

  6. Brazil is Awesome ! I have family there, I have visited often.

    As far as American Culture if your a chick from Brazil, you will  get plenty of responds from the guys. American guys think Brazilian chicks are hot. Hows that for American culture?

  7. I traveled to Brazil for a month.  I stayed in Porto Alegre in Rio Grande do Sul... I also went to Rio for a weekend.  I LOVED it.  It was so much fun.


  9. great soccer players

  10. You are doing good with your English...parabens!  America was built because a group of people wanted religious freedom from the Church of England.  They wanted to be able to worship God the way they felt was right.  But time and sin and immorality have corrupted that thinking into what we call America today.  Yes, we have a lot of hard workers and good men and women who serve our country in the armed forces, but the sad fact is, we can't even pray in public in schools or take a Bible with us without suffering was not what our country was founded on and one day it will be our demise.  Be glad that your country of Brazil still allows you to talk about God in your schools.  In a since you have more religious freedom than the USA.

  11. I'm sorry, but no one cares about brazil right now. Its all America this, America that. But in 50 years, Brazil will be one of the world leaders. I for one think that Brazil is an ok country now, but its only going to get better and better.

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