
Hello Military People, I'm back, and I have a question...?

by  |  earlier

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Hello everybody. My name is Jake, and I am an honor student at UC Berkelely studying International Relations. I went on a trip with my boyfriend, sorta romantic get away trip. It was wonderful. He is such a great guy. We needed to get away from all the protesting I am involved in with a GREAT group called Code Pink

I have a question for you guys in regards to Religion. I was wanting to ask you guys, and girls, if you think it should be ok for the Military to hand out free bibles to soldiers. Some of my Code Pink friends and I were discussing this and I don't think Religion should be allowed in the Military At ALL!! She actually disagrees with me, though she does not want the Military anyway.

I read the Military people must give up some rights when joining so that they act as one, and not divided by spewing things from free speech.

Who would think, or understand how someone could think, it is a good idea to ban Religion from the Military? After reading Richard Dawkins book "the God delusion", I began to think about this, and how many military people are religious people.

Anyway, thank you sweeties for your answers. I am going to get ready for our protest we are going to have.

Love all ya always.

Peace to you all.




  1. To ban religion is wrong to the very core. The foundations of freedom in this country allow us to practice any religion we see fit as long as it doesn't impose on others. Relgion in the Military is essential however I don't support entirely the way religion is utilized by the military nor do I completely agree with the amount of money the US military spend accomidating religion to many diverse groups. I do however support the practice of religion in America by anyone who wants to practice it. I think you should look long and hard at what youre suggesting. The military gives up many freedoms and for you to suggest they should be banned from their faith is down right absurd I hope you look over what exactly you're suggesting

  2. you are a joke i hope la pd comes and hoses you down  

  3. Most people need faith to get them through the hard times.

  4. Here's the fact in the military. You are free to worship any religion you want while in service. As long as you (a religious person) does not infringe the rights of others to worship then it's ok, I have no problems with religion.

  5. funny find God in a foxhole while getting shot at or at the bottom of a bottle. what better place to be closer to our maker? better than prison?  

  6. I respect your right to protest, but if you have never served in the Military do you honestly think you are qualified to make any judgments about military personnel. You do not have to serve in the military that's your right, no problem with that, but if you want peace you and your friends are protesting the wrong country.

  7. While I have to give some of the respondents mad props for calling you on being a bit of a troll, I have something to offer also.

    As a veteran, I was profoundly disturbed by how much religion affected nearly every other soldier's view of his job. My unit was an advance infantry team, snipers, scouts, motorcycle scouts and the like. We worked well together, but it took a long time for me to gain acceptance from my comrades in arms.

    See, I'm atheist, and always have been. I was essentially ordered to obtain a religious belief system by one of the E-5s in my unit, and was harassed now and then even after it became clear I wasn't going to join the bandwagon of believers.

    People have a right to their faith, and that was part of why I joined the military. I wanted to make it clear that I was doing my part to ensure that people would not only have a right to have faith but to also have a right to no faith if they so chose.

    So, to answer the question you sort of ask, yeah, I have a problem with people handing out religious texts to soldiers if the hand out carries with it a mandate of accepting the text from a superior officer (this happened recently, and an atheist soldier was forced to ETS early to avoid being harassed and physically harmed by other members of his unit)--read about it in the NY Times from some months back.

    If it's just a case of books being handed round, I say go for it. Just don't order me to take one and read it.

  8. well, i think that your logic is so incredibly screwed up, that it's pretty pointless to even respond. besides that, you're just trying to p**s people off, and aren't actually wanting answers. you know how incredibly ridiculous your group is....but i have to say, everytime we see your protests, we laugh. so thanks for the laugh! every town needs an idiot, i suppose! thank God you volunteered for your area! oh, and if you're looking to enlighten yourself, try reading The Dawkin's delusion. however, i doubt you will be able to appreciate it as both you and dawkins seem to have the same lack of an ability to rationalize. oh, and your welcome for protecting your right to act like a A$$hole!!!

  9. What was the question?

    I read it twice and I still can't figure out what you want to know.

    Military personnel have the exact same rights to religion that any other American citizen has and the same right to free speech that allows groups like Joke Pink harass people that are just trying to get by and provide for their families.

    Why would we be any different?

    And of course, the government will not hand out free bibles. That would be favoring one religion over another and impinge on the right to religion of others.

  10. So you posted on a military forum to try to get a rise from the simple military folk huh? Did it work? Do you feel better about yourself?  You probably feel just like little Johnny did when he was kicking your *** on the playground for being g*y, powerful, empty and lonely.  I feel sorry for you.

    Very Respectfully

    SGT F.

  11. I'm leaving for USMC boot camp Oct 27th. We aren't giving up rights. We choose to protect them. They don't take rights away but you are trained to follow orders without question. There is a difference. And there is nothing wrong with allowing the Bible to be given to soldiers or Marines. They have the same rights as any citizen. The only difference is they've earned them.   So how long do you predict your protesting has to go on before the US decides it doesn't need a military? lol

    You code pink people are pretty ******* up.

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