
Hello!!! What do you think about Brazil?

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Hello!!! What do you think about Brazil?




  1. It's beautiful, very vibrant culture and people.  Tons of fun in a place like Rio.

    Yes, Brazil does have a very high crime rate, but the truth is that it is a more localized thing and if you take the proper precautions you will be fine.  The main things are - stay away from the favellas and other poorer areas, stick to the areas with lots of people around, especially at night, and perhaps #1 which people always told me is - Don't look like a tourist.  If you have some big camera around your neck, a crocodile dundee hat and a f***y pack on, you're just asking to be pickpocketed or mugged.

    But common perceptions of that are not necessarily true.  I've been to Rio, Brasilia, and Buenos Aries in Argentina and there are really a lot of areas which just as well might be a neighbourhood in the US, Canada, somewhere in Europe etc.  There is a lot of middle class people in Brazil, it isn't a strictly poverty stricken country.  The most striking thing is the disparity of that, you have big fancy stores and hotels on one street in Rio and 100 meters that way is one of the slums which the police won't even go into.

    South America though, in general, is an amazing place that people often don't consider for taking a trip to a place, people look at it as just another warm place and the Carribean is cheaper, but there are really an endless number of things to see and do there.

  2. wat u expect. its hot and its dirty in the streets. UNLIKE U SEE IN RIO ON THE TV. its really poor and we are nice people and we play futbol in the streets with sandals.


  3. Brazil is a beautiful country and the people are probably the best looking in the world. Lots of crime though.  Climate? Perfect.

  4. Brazil, like all counties is loaded with problems.  Some of Brazil's most serious include: Public education, Unemployment and High Poverty, and Corruption.  You add up all of these factors, and yes, you will have some crime issues to be sure.  

    But in my experience, the reputation is a tad mightier than the truth in terms of crime.  Rio and Sao Paolo for example, are wonderful, exciting cities, where fun can be had for days without end, and it is quite likely that no harm will come to you.  It is also possible, that if the proper precautions aren't taken, you can get mugged in your first 15 minutes on the street.  But truely the same can be said for New York, Los Angeles, London, Paris, etc...

    On the plus side for Brazil, it has a very open, friendly, personal-communication-based culture and has the ability to turn a more introverted person into an out-going, lust for life type.  The MUSIC!  Can't say enough about Brazilian music.  It seems to be everywhere and I do not understand why Brazilian music is not as famous and well-known world-wide as American music.  Check it out.  

    What else?  Everyone talks about the beaches: Rio, the Northeast (Natal, Ceara, etc.), Floripa...but what about the interior?  There are places in Bahia and Minas (and beyond) that would make your jaw drop to the ground.  Waterfalls, caves, florests, mountains!!  This country has so much to offer in terms of landscape!

    And finally... The beautiful people!  Yes, it is true that certain factors seem to come together to make Brazilians a little extra easier on the eyes.  Some say it's the climate (not wearing a lot of clothes all the time is a big motivator). Still others say it's the diet (fresh food without lots of preservatives and chemicals).  Who knows?  But it does seem true that in terms of body especially, Brazilians treat themselves very well and know how to use it to sensual perfection.

    I love that country. Truly.  

    Viva o Brasil!

  5. I've been there twice, it's a great and wonderful country. The people are so kind and nice (and really really good looking xD), they have many beautiful beaches (especially in Rio de Janeiro) and the climate is perfect!

    And I desagree with the people above, there's crime as anyother country, 'n' at the times I've been there I never saw any kind of violence or crime.

    Hope go back there again on this year xDD

  6. I have never been there but I want to go sometime!

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