
Hello are you a house wife,single parent are do you work?

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What kind of person are you thanks,Im a house wife with 5 kids and a lovely husband.




  1. housewife now with a 3 1/2 year old and 3 month old love my hubby! Hes currently deployed now though. He my families hero

  2. I am a housewife with a great husband and an adorable 9.5 month old baby boy.

  3. im a stay at home...due in 5 days preggers hubby is a chef and the most wonderful musician i have ever met :)

  4. I am a part stay at home mum.  Ive just finished my third year of a chemistry degree (final year next year) which means i am in uni sometimes but at home the other parts.  I tutor science to 11-18 year olds some evenings to bring in some money and i have a lovely boyfriend who is kind enough to pay all the big bills.  When my next baby comes (in december) i will be at uni one day a week and at home the rest.

  5. House wife 2 kids and 16 weeks 2 days with our third and last baby. I have a loving, involved, hands on husband.

    We agree a mom needs to be home raising the kids if at all possible. It's in the best interest of her, the kids, and the relationship. Just look at the divorce rates, they have rose consistantly ever since the 60's. Right when women started working outside the home. Not a coincidence in our opinions.

  6. im a student/bar owner, mom to two trying for 3rd

  7. I am a house mother not wife, I have two kids 5 and 3 and I live with my sisters and my niece and nephew. and my sis's hubbies!

  8. I live with my boyfriend and my daughter (boyfriend is not the dad) and i work.

  9. I am a housewife and mother of a 10 month old daughter, my husband is the breadwinner in our family-for now.

  10. Mother of two teenagers . House-wife and I work. I took 3 years off to have the kids and then went back to work.

  11. yup im 17 with a 8month old yup today he turns 8months!!!!

    and im so happy and i work i am not with the abusive dad... ugh

    but my life is so wonderful i love it

  12. Housewife with an amazing hubby, a 15 month old son and due in 3.5 weeks with a baby girl.

  13. Single mom of two kids.

    Their dad and I are best friends, he's still very much involved.

  14. well i am a housewife and 1 son and ttc.

  15. well il 38 weeks pregnant with my first, but i will be a single mother and an active duty soldier who has to put the baby in day care at 6 weeks from 0700 am to 500 pm every day

  16. I am currently a stay at home mom of four boys, including twins and this stay at home gig is the hardest job I've ever had.  I worked til the twins were born, so had worked outside the home, generally in clerical positions, for almost 18 years.  Sometimes I still miss the working world, being around others adults and have considered lately in returning to work.

  17. I live with my partner and our 2 year old daughter. I am a sahm

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